Swim Video Analysis (remote)

Get an expert analysis of your front crawl swimming stroke.  Send us your video and we will provide a detailed analysis over zoom, with advice and guidance.

Following your analysis we will send a written plan, with swim drills and workouts to address the issues identified.  We will analyse every part of your stroke; your catch, breathing, kicking, stroke timing and body position.

Price : £49.99

Freestyle Video Analysis

Front crawl (Freestyle) is a highly technical stroke with many elements to combine. Using video analysis I can examine each part of your stroke and identify where you need to make improvements.

I will

  • Review any existing video that you already own or advise on how to take video in a local pool to best effect

  • Provide a detailed analysis over zoom sharing the video with you live and demonstrating stroke correction exercises

  • Provide a swimming training plan with drills and workouts to improve your stroke

Not sure if this is for you?  Contact us first to discuss your swim training.